Traveling -- that is how our trip began. And traveling is how it ended. Along with all the "joys" of traveling. We tried to count how many times we went through security checks over the past 12 days. In some airports it was only twice. In others, three or four times. By the end of the trip we all felt like pros. And the phrase "travel light" now makes a great deal of sense to us all!
The world is now bigger, and smaller, to many of us. As we stood in the airport in Istanbul we realized we were seeing a cross-section of the world right before our eyes. It seemed that all nations were represented -- all religions -- all cultures -- all languages. God's people. Each one unique. Each one loved by Him. Each one a fellow human being.
Some inside information: Anita has the gift of being able to fall asleep anywhere, at any time! We were all somewhat envious of her! She is also willing to give up her seat to anyone if they would prefer it. Do you want the aisle? She'll take the window. Do you want the window? She'll take the middle, or the aisle. To Anita, it is all about other people's comfort, not her own (and this applies to everything -- not just seats on an airplane). Jim will make sure he is last in the group so that no one is left behind. What a gentleman -- opening doors, getting people's bags from the overhead bin, chatting with "strangers" and making them feel comfortable. Christie is always excited to be anywhere, and sees something good and positive in just about any situation. Getting us to laugh, loving children anywhere and everywhere. Doug and Margie are always aware of each member of the group -- making sure we're ok, that all is well, that we feel cared for, appreciated, prayed for, loved. Although Dan wasn't with us on this last journey (he returns home tomorrow), he is the good friend, the brother, the one to remind us of how blessed we are, the one who is quick to say, "let's pray." And me? I'm the one trying to find a good cup of coffee! Oh, and I am SO VERY THANKFUL for the other six in our group, and God's marvelous grace, and your love and support.
Keep checking the blog because there are a few more posts that people will make. And I'll load some more pictures here. We are working on setting up a site where you can view all of our pictures. We'll let you know when that is up and running.
We were so thankful to round the corner at the airport, headed for the baggage claim, and standing there were three familiar, loving faces: Jim Brissenden, Brad and Marlene Neece -- our rides home from the airport.
More later. For now, we continue to praise God for you all, and for all He has done and continues to do.
Traffic in the streets of Nairobi -- however, pictures cannot POSSIBLY convey the whole story. It is definitely something that must be experienced to appreciate!
Margie and Netty Myers, in Netty's kitchen. Netty is preparing fresh mango for us.
Walking up the hill from the Myers' apartment to the Reynen's apartment, where we will spend the rest of the day/evening until leaving for the airport
In Jill Parson's apartment, enjoying fellowship and getting ready to enjoy homemade pizza.
This dear Kenyan pastor traveled across Kenya to be at the pastors' conference, and would likely travel all night to return home.
Getting ready to enjoy an Ethiopian meal with Vickie Reynen
Remembering our Free Methodist missionaries from across the continent of Africa
What Lori DID NOT mention was that she celebrated her birthday (I won't mention numbers) on three different continents and through a dozen time zones, security checks, lots of laughter, coffee and fellowship--talk about the never ending birthday celebration. For us, March 11 lasted 33 hrs and we were awake for most of that! On a more "serious" note-- Lori's heart for people, ALL people, is both deep and wide. With a kind smile and a big heart, she would ask those she met--"Tell me your story." It was a beautiful extension of the Lord's love.