Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Lord, Praise your holy name

       I want to share a personal story from my experience during our visit to Kenya.  It was for me the first time to visit Africa and be part of a prayer team.  You have read the prior postings from Lori, Christie, Doug and Margie, and Dan.  They have given excellent reports on the events and experiences we had in Kenya.  I could not add to those descriptions.  Instead I want to share a personal story about how God connected for me the times and years my parents spent as missionaries among the Mexican people with a missionary family in Kenya.

I happened to hear a missionary talk about their time in Mexico.  My ears perked up and I began talking about Mexico with the Myers, Ken and Letty.  Before I proceed, a little background is germane.  My parents were involved for about 10 years with the Nogales Bible School (NBS) located on the Mexican border in Arizona as a place for Mexican young people to prepare for ministry among Mexican people.  Three Alvarez brothers attended NBS, Victor, Amado and David.  All three became pastors in the Mexican work and David rose to positions of leadership.  In time he and his wife had 8 daughters.  One of the younger ones was Letty who attended the Bible Institute in Hermosillo, Mexico.  This institute was NBS transplanted into Mexico during the late 1950s
Ken was a student at Central College and on a mission trip to Mexico, including the Bible Institute in Hermosillo he met Letty. In time, they married.  They served for some time in Mexico and recently transferred to Kenya.  I was thrilled beyond words to find in Africa a connection to my parents’ work nearly 60 years after my parents were involved.  One of the indirect fruits of Dad and Mom’s ministry in Mexico is now a missionary in Africa.  From my parents to David Alvarez, to Letty, and to pastors in Kenya, rivers of living water are flowing.  WOW!!!
Thanks so much for your prayer and financial support.  God will bless you for that contribution to His work on this trip. 

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